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We currently have several project in development for cost effective sustainable future. Ranging from small electronic project to help monitor and control energy functions with in a living stucture  to greenhouse irrigation and control and controls of the environmental  conditions

Electronic Projects - Arduino/ESP

we currently have in development   two main projects - 

1) GTI limiter/diverter - this arduino project ( based on emontx sheild) monitors the energy produced  by solar and wind production  and adjust power output to the grid- for regions that do not support net metering

2) Solar thermal metering - monitor energy produced  by evacuated solar tubes  and enters the data into  data base  for historical records.

both project transmit their data via MQTT to small pi device  to whic it is stored an a data base and display on webbased dashboard ( freeboard)

Green Energy  Projects

Green energy projects Our  ultimate goal of cost effective sustainable living.  we developed a   Hybrid  geothermal/ solar heating system where the majority of the heat produced for the  living environment  is produced by solar and stored  in thermal buffers.  the geo thermal provides auxiliary heat sources in case the there is not enough sunshine to produce  enough heat.  Currently  over conventional heating system. the heating system uses about 80- 90%  less energy to heat a standard  R2000 living space .

GreenHouse Projects

We are currently experimenting with various greenhouse designs. to develop low energy requirement  for harsh environments. Our greenhouses are bases on the original Manitoba Greenhouse developed by the U of Manitoba.  though currently  on the internet  you will find them called  "Chinese Greenhouse".  the primary difference between our greenhouse and the later is the secondary auxiliary heat source- geothermal --  While our goal is not to produce food 365 day per year  only to extend growing season and plants  that can be grown and harvested locally - ie growing peach and nectarine trees in central Manitoba

Our Projects for a Sustainable Future

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