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Energy Comparisons PV vs Thermal

Energy output comparison between PV and evacuated solar tubes , from two systems that have similar rated kw/h ~3kw of PV compared to ~3kw evacuated solar tubes-

The evacuated solar tubes: pointed SSE:

it was quite cold this morning - (-20c) so the lines where quite cold as they sat still all night and the day remained quite cold at - 10 c as a day time high . so the momentary surge you see at the beginning and end is the initial surge- if I keep a negative record you would first see the massive dip as the -20 fluid flowed in and then the hot surge +70 followed afterwards. then on the second restart of the system the temperature remains constant for the remaining of the day producing a 13.74 kw of heat over 5 hr period . since it was quite cold today and due the high temperature differential - probably 10% of my heat production was lost to the environment .

the surge in the middle is when my wife was doing laundry the drop in temp at the bottom of the hotwater tank cause the more energy to be absorbed from hot fluid cause a spike until everything balanced out.

The PV panels - 120 degree arc pattern

The PV panels are set in 120 degree arc. though in the winter time it reduces my possible production capability slightly it reduces my day time peak and extends it over a much longer period. so instead of basic 6 hrs currently 10 hrs.( in the summertime it is extended to 14-15 hrs)

the energy output was similar though it was extended and has much rounder production curve

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